Traditional knowledge in modern times
The Apothecary
We are an Authentic indigenous wellness company steeped in traditional teachings, values, and customs.. Plant medicine is an important part of our history and our foundation is built on ancestral knowledge and old world medicine. We believe in in the importance of mother earth for our health and wellbeing.. Standing Spruce carries a wide range of wildcrafted products, remedies and skin care ; including : healing face and body oils, balms, sprays and skin toners, as well as botanically infused cold pressed soaps, and Canadian natural essential oils.. Custom formulations and requests are always welcome, whether it be physical or spiritual in nature - contact us to find out more

Lesley is one of the only indigenous Farmers in the territory
The Farm
As one of the only "indigenous farmers" in our area, I began our journey towards food security with the belief that we could do something meaningful and that there was "a better way" than large scale/commercial farming. Our goal was to provide clean ethical food, honey and crops not only to ourselves, but also to friends, family, and eventually our community. Raising animals with empathy is of the utmost importance here on the farm. Chickens along with our own honey bees, food, and medicinal garden keep us fairly busy - but above all, happy.
At our farm we have always operated on a zero waste policy, using all aspects of our farm and botanicals in our products including honey which is harvested, and beeswax used by our apothecary in lip balms, remedies, and skin care.

Taaskiingungjaats, "The singing sands woman"
Lesley Assu | Indigenous Founder and Owner
My name is Lesley Assu, and I am proud to be a member of the Haida nation. I am a local Haida witch, herbalist, and mother who firmly believes in the healing power of old world medicine, the wisdom of plants, and the spirits of the trees. I was raised in the traditional ways of both Haida Gwaii and my father's community, We Wai Kai, which instilled in me a deep connection to the land and sea.
For me, traditional medicine is not just a business, but a way of life. It encompasses my entire being and is a practice that I share with my family and communities. I am blessed to be a mother to two children, Daala (which means "the rain" in Haida) and SGaalan (which means "the yellow cedar" in Haida), as well as a loving aunt to my two nephews, Aliwas and Ember. As I continue to grow and develop Standing Spruce, my brand of traditional medicine, I am also passing down the knowledge and practice of harvesting medicine to my children and nephews.
The teachings I have received from my elders are invaluable, and I am committed to ensuring that this knowledge is preserved for future generations, especially for our future Matriarchs. That's why sustainability is at the heart of everything I do. When crafting my products, I carefully consider the impact on the environment and strive to create offerings that are in harmony with nature, keeping in mind the well-being of our communities and future generations.
I am proud to be Lesley Assu, a mother, a witch, an herbalist, and a steward of traditional medicine. Through Standing Spruce, I am not only providing healing remedies, but also passing down the wisdom of our ancestors and fostering a deep connection to the land and sea for generations to come.

Jamie Clark | Head Soap Artisan
Jamie Clark is a skilled artisan who specializes in making head soap and is also a devoted and loving husband, father, and farmer at Standing Spruce. He takes care of a herd of Jersey cows and flocks of heritage poultry, and shares their eggs with the local community. As a Canadian of Irish and Scottish descent, Jamie is proud of his heritage and participates in Highland games to stay connected to his roots. He also honors the heritage of his Haida children by fishing on the Haida Girl, which was built by his wife Lesley's Chinaay (grandfather) and has been in the Assu family for generations.
In addition to his farming and fishing endeavors, Jamie runs Xildabee Honey, which derives its name from the Haida word for medicine, "Xilda." Jamie's small apiary is used to create herbal electuaries for common ailments. These remedies are made from the honey produced by his bees, which are carefully tended to and treated with the utmost care and respect.
Overall, Jamie is a passionate and skilled artisan and farmer who is deeply committed to preserving his heritage and the heritage of his family. He takes great pride in his work and is dedicated to providing his local community with high-quality products that are not only delicious but also have therapeutic properties.